Brain injury awareness month is here ! Everyday in March I will be sharing what happened to me and how I overcame the challenges by using alternative therapies and how invisible illness changed my life in a second ! Everyday in March we can share and educate the masses about what it means to use #plantmedicine in our healing and management of symptoms! . . . . #theplant #tbi #tbisurvivor #braininjuryawareness #braininjuryawarenessmonth #concussionawareness #invisibleillness #alternativetherapy #liveinthemoment #inspireothers #patientstories #patientexperience #yourstorymatters #notinvisible #braininjurysurvivor #dontjudgewhatyoudontunderstand #advocate #patientadvocacy #bethechange #weallhaveastory #removethestigma #mentalhealthmatters #nevergiveup #plantmedicinejourney #invisibledisability #togetherwecanmakeadifference #togetherwearestronger #shareyourstory #nikkiandtheplant
Posted by Nikki Lawley at 2024-03-01 12:19:17 UTC