Day 5 of brain injury awareness month. Brain injury is invisible….. there is no standard of care for brain injury …..there is so much we don’t understand about brain injury as so often imaging doesn’t show the damage done to the brain. Please don’t judge what you don’t understand ! We can learn so much from survivors ! Thank you @hopeafterheadinjury for the explanations! We can all use a little more kindness and compassion with invisible disabilities . Today I am sharing about the differences about brain injury and the different types. I suffered a traumatic brain injury due to an injury at work. There are other types of injuries to our brain including acquired brain injury. See the diagrams to understand the differences. Brain injury changed the trajectory of my life , but it has given me a completely different perspective. I will always do my best to share and help others to the other side. Plant medicine saved my life. #traumaticbraininjurysurvivor #womensempowerment #tbisurvivor #tbiawareness #concussions #concussionmanagement #concussionsymptoms #postconcussionsyndrome #postconcussionlife #tbirecovery #braininjuryadvocate #invisibledisability #painrelief #nikkiandtheplant #nikkilawley #braininjuryawarenessmonth #dontjudgewhatyoudontunderstand #plantmedicine #executivedysfunction #abi #tbi #liveinthemoment #kindnessmatters #bepresent #lifechanges
Posted by Nikki Lawley at 2024-03-05 05:38:30 UTC