Brain injury awareness post day 26….. saying this so loud ! Brain injury changed me… just like that everything changed ….EVERYTHING ….one second …. My life as I knew it changed ! I was injured on the job while working as a pediatric nurse. Just like any other day …. Then a freak Incident changed everything. I would not wish brain injury on anyone!!! Going from nurse to patient was horrible. The lack of respect, empathy , the forms , the sharing the story over 60 times to the “experts “ trying the 50 plus drugs and cocktails of drugs to “fix “my brain injury did anything but “ fix” me ! Why were diet, exercise, intensive treatment options , plant medicine not part of the conversation? Why was I gaslighted and made to feel completely crazy for even suggesting plant medicine might help. I am here to say from my personal expierience plant medicine has made my brain injury symptoms so much more manageable ! When I find the right products my quality of life is so improved ! Why is the medical profession so against plant medicine ? Why are we not listening to patients more and actually trying to help them. I don’t have it all figured out my friends. I share from my personal experience. In my opinion the Plant should be a first line treatment instead of a last resort. Brain injury changed me …. But the plant saved me ! Please be kind today. Someone needs your kindness as hope for what they may be struggling with behind closed doors ! #medicine #braininjuryawarenessmonth #patientadvocacy #yourstorymatters #tbisurvivor #nikkilawley #nikkiandtheplant #braininjurysurvivor #kindness #bethechange #dontjudgewhatyoudontunderstand

Posted by Nikki Lawley at 2024-03-26 12:16:48 UTC