Cannabis is now a part of millions of people's lives whether they personally consume it or not and Roullier’s book is a great guide for all who seek to know more about this globally trending topic. In “Pot for the People”, Roullier instantly befriends the reader by being blunt about the plant, the people, and the policies, bold in addressing important cannabis industry issues, brave at calling out bad actors and bad policies, and brilliant as she bestows a bounty of cannabis knowledge to her beloved readers while keeping it light-hearted with added humor here and there. As a self-described potty mouth, Roullier does a nice job of keeping her curse words to a minimum so this book is safe enough to be used in a local library maybe even a church library. Lord knows all churches need to face this trending issue just as much as anyone else does. There are no sexual references at all and believe me, there are plenty within the cannabis industry so once again Roullier keeps it professional. Not that you would expect it, but well it is about pot, people, and politics and we all know that can lead to some drama but there is no blood, gore, or violence mentioned in this book and Roullier herself gives cannabis the credit for the lack of it in her own life. As a certified medical cannabis consultant and as a patient consumer, I gladly give this book four stars and recommend it to all my friends and family who are looking for cannabis consumer advice and information before they head out to the local dispensary to purchase products. If you read this book, you're likely to save money on your first visit and more. I like this book so much that I ordered two copies so I could share a copy and not worry about ever getting the first one back. I'm sure I'll be using it as a reference often. It's just on my level of understanding. It is very informative and occasionally scientific but not so much that my eyes glaze over. It is written in a very nice, personal, friendly, helpful, and heartfelt way that makes me feel like I've got my own personal cannabis coach and guide available 24/7/365. This book would be a great addition to any dispensary, doctor's office, or local library. I encourage you to order your copy today. Maybe even two! #book #bookreview #dispensary #budtender #guide

Posted by Karla Bur at 2024-04-04 00:36:26 UTC