420, 4:20, and 4/20 are cannabis culture slang for marijuana and hashish consumption, the time to take a toke, and the "high" holiday, respectively. The origin of the cannabis culture slang word "420" originated in 1971 when a handful of high school students in San Rafael, California, used the secret code to refer to a plan to meet at the statue of Louis Pasteur at 4:20 pm to begin their search for an abandoned crop of weed, based on the grower's map. April 20th (4/20) is the official "high" holiday for the cannabis community. There are 4/20 events in most US cities and often are pro-cannabis rallies with people smoking cannabis in public to show their support for cannabis legalization for adults 21 and over. The largest one is at the University of Colorado. Dispensaries and other businesses have special promotions and giveaways on 4/20. If you plan to go to a dispensary to stock up for your 4/20 event this weekend, ask for cannabis chemovars called 420, 420 Carat, Cappuccino 420, or Blueberry 420. While you're at it, ask to see a COA, too. Check out the cannabinoids and terpenes to find out what makes these chemovars fit into the 420 category. You may find it useful, and fun, to write down (or type into an app) this info for each cannabis product so you can learn what these 420 chemovars do for you. Puff, puff, and pass on this new nug of knowledge to your friends at your 4/20 celebration this weekend. If you want another GREAT conversation starter, check out the medical marijuana memorabilia offered by Alice O'Leary Randall. If you're including alcohol at your 4/20 event, a beer called 420 Strain G13 IPA is available from SweetWater Brewing Company. Here are a few 420 facts to keep the conversation going, as if that's ever a problem when consuming cannabis: 😂 The term 420 did not come from a California penal code, police shorthand, the plant’s scientific makeup, or a musician’s birthday. The term originated in 1971 when a handful of high school students in San Rafael, California, used the codeword to refer to their plan to meet at the statue of Louis Pasteur at 4:20 pm and begin their search for an abandoned weed crop, based on a map made by the grower. Canada's King's Highway 420, commonly called Highway 420, is a highway in the Canadian province of Ontario that connects the Queen Elizabeth Way (QEW) to downtown Niagara Falls. The US has a few Highway 420s, and a few states, such as Tennessee, have a mile marker 420. These locations are favorite selfie spots for stoners of all kinds. Let's face it, some of us are wearing tie-dyes and some of us are wearing ties. Check out your local area to see if there are any 420 selfie spots. Take a pic and share it with us in the comments below. Rumor has it that cannabis used to grow wild along the side of a highway in Idaho. Because of this, in 1972, it was renamed Highway 420. Mile marker 420 in Idaho has been stolen so many times that the Idaho Department of Transportation stopped replacing the sign. 420 signs in various states are being replaced by 419.99 signs. Weird but it works. Tata Motors, an automotive manufacturer based in Mumbai, India produces a car called Jaguar 420. Now that's a selfie I want to see: A Jaguar 420 at mile marker 420 or on Highway 420. California’s Medical Cannabis Bill is S.B. 420. Was this a coincidence or did the regulators name it that on purpose? Either way, it's cool! It has been said among cannabis enthusiasts that marijuana has exactly 420 active chemicals but we now know that cannabis has over 500. So far. "420-friendly" means they welcome cannabis consumers and allow consumption on-site. Those fun 420 facts should keep your 4/20 party conversations buzzing. I hope you enjoyed them and I will leave you with a great quote from well-known cannabis legalization activist Steve DeAngelo -- "Even if our activist work were complete, 420 morphs from a statement of conscience to a celebration of acceptance, a celebration of victory, a celebration of our amazing connection with this plant" which "will always be worthy of celebration". Wishing you all acceptance, victory, and connection with the plant and each other on this 4/20/24, Karla Bur, Medical Cannabis Consultant & Cannabis Content Creator 🙏✌💚🌿 #cannabiscommunity #cannabisindustry #cannabisculture #cannabiseducation #consumereducation #420 #420celebration
Posted by Karla Bur at 2024-04-18 13:39:34 UTC