Who needs thier medical card? If you want to grow legally this year in NY you must get a medical card ! Two people per address with cards in NYS are allowed to have 6 plants each - 3 non flowering and 3 flowering. So for instance both myself and my husband have cards. We are allowed a TOTAL of 12 Plants. 6 vegatative and 6 flowering! Click on my resources tab on my website and click the get your medical card today , and you will be able to sign up and get your card right away. I use Leafwell for all my friends needing cards. Please use code PLANT to get a discount ! Multiple states in addition to NY are available. Click and get your card today ! It’s so easy ! There are so many benefits to having your card in NY. The biggest one besides legal homegrow is access to medical dispensaries! The tax structure is different than the adult use access, so this is a cost savings on your medicine! You also have access in NY to a licensed pharmacist at all NY dispensaries ! Please share , please get your card today ! Remember to use code PLANT for any state not just NYS ! https://www.nikkiandtheplant.org/patient-resources.html

Posted by Nikki Lawley at 2024-05-04 19:09:12 UTC