Hello, my fellow queens, can I bring up a subject that is a bit controversial? I am feeling more than ever, the division in the plant medicine industry. I feel our community is not building together, but rather there seems to be more controversy and anger than ever. If you have a problem with someone , please don’t slander them on social media! Even if you are right ! What good does that do. I feel like we are often so disrespectful to others on social media it is just wrong ! Attacking people is not ok ! Being mean is not ok ! Keep your thoughts off line please ! I understand there are times when it is abuse or unacceptable behavior , we want to shout it from the rooftops, but at the end of the day , does anyone win in this scenario? The strength is in the numbers , we don’t have to love everyone we meet, however we can be kind and respectful! Sometimes you know what happens , you’ll be surprised , maybe they’re not all that bad. People make mistakes, people go in the wrong direction, people often don’t know who to trust, while some may feel slandering their fellow queen will help them win support in the end, it rarely works that way. When someone has a negative experience with someone the natural tendency is to share ,this does not mean we have to jade that person in all of our circles. I feel like our community is becoming more and more like silos instead of a more united voice. Ladies , let’s be the leaders together. Let’s build the community and be inclusive. We only have so much time to make a difference on this earth. I honestly in all my heart of hearts support us all. Even if we don’t see eye to eye, I will wish you well. I mean seriously the plant industry is hard enough, can we just be kind please. Realize not everyone understands your history with someone else. Not everyone wants to talk about other people. I am solution oriented, if there is an issue, I am all about fixing it and finding a way to move on from it. Kindness is what matters ! #womenempowerment #womensupportingwomen #fixhercrown #kindnessmatters #bethechange #inclusion #diversity

Posted by Nikki Lawley at 2024-05-07 16:21:02 UTC