Before you have an opinion on Rescheduling of Cannabis ... It is often said that history is a great predictor of the future. So based on that, many do not trust the Federal Government/Regulators on the implementation and execution of the rescheduling of cannabis based upon continuous misinformation and lies that have been in place for decades. If you question this, just remember the definition of Schedule I List Drugs - "Schedule I drugs, substances, or chemicals are defined as drugs with no currently accepted medical use and a high potential for abuse." This is inaccurate based on (albeit limited) scientific research and evidence. So many have expressed opinions whether the rescheduling is a good thing or a bad thing, but reality is we really don't know until there is more definition and transparency to the execution. Things that need further definition: 1) "Timeline - of the rescheduling process itself, which may fluctuate greatly." 2) "Presidential election - what happens to rescheduling if former President Donald Trump beats current President Joe Biden in the coming November election and the rescheduling isn’t finished by the time he takes office." 3) "Another Cole Memo? - will the DOJ issue an updated version of the Cole Memo, and how that policy guidance could change – or leave undisturbed – the day-to-day operations of the cannabis trade." 4) "Congressional inaction - What is really needed to resolve this … is for Congress to act, to create a unified regulatory environment that involves both the states and federal government." 5) "Will the DEA’s move to reschedule encourage more banks to work with cannabis companies?" 6) "Will stock exchange officials to loosen up and accept marijuana businesses to the Nasdaq or New York Stock Exchange?" 7) "What other action could stem from this federal pivot?" "The future is unclear ..."

Posted by Steve Goldner at 2024-05-08 12:20:56 UTC