Hey everyone, I'm Simi Burn. Thought I would follow @MeganH ‘s lead and introduce myself. I’m a startup pharmacist turned writer and content strategist. I specialize in cannabis, mind-body medicine, the placebo effect, and digital health. Frankly, I’m thrilled to find a community where I can relax a bit. I want to openly discuss my weirdo interests, conspiracy theories, and outlandish highdeas without fear of professional stigma or censorship. I feel much happier and more creative when I can let it all hang out and say what I *really* think. I’d love to hear from other healthcare professionals here… What are you working on? What do you want to be working on? Feel free to introduce yourselves, share your insights, and connect. I'm looking forward to getting to know you all!
Posted by Simi Burn at 2024-05-15 15:44:49 UTC