I hope you are having a good week. I am a Vanderbilt University School of Nursing NP alumnus in neurotrauma, Owen Graduate School of Management MBA (Vanderbilt) and a PhD neurophysiologist from Case Western Reserve University. My group is seeking both professional faculty as well as equity investor/partners for our entrepreneurial endeavors in Ketamine and TMS clinics. Would you be interested in learning more regarding either these positions, whether it be a partner/investor or our professional clinical executive staff or both. In other words, do you happen to be in the job market? The ROI on this business is approximately 25%. We are opting to contact MD's, DO's, CAA's, CRNA's, PA's and APRNs as they are typically at least somewhat familiar with Ketamine and its off-label uses. Equity investment gives the investor direct ownership in a group that has clinics nationwide.I look forward to hearing from you as I hope that you could be an asset in our organization. Thank you! SFMc
Posted by Altmed at 2024-05-20 16:27:51 UTC