Happy Sunday to those who will be attending church services today! ππ½π Here's something to think about today π€π As you sit there and look around the congregation, I'd like you to take a moment to wonder "Who chose to consume a compound that affects the human body to help them make it through the day a little more comfortably?" Maybe someone there took an aspirin. Why? Did they have a headache? Did their doctor recommend it for their heart health? π©Ί Has anyone had surgery lately? Did they take their doctor-prescribed opioids before church so they could tolerate the pain and enjoy the fellowship and message? π How about the coffee drinkers? Who had a cup of Joe before they headed out the door because they felt like they needed the energy boost after working all week and then mowing the lawn all day yesterday? β Do you feel any type of condemnation towards these people? Probably not. Well, maybe if you're Mormon or Christian Scientist. π€·π½ββοΈ But, what if someone in your church consumed cannabis this morning before services? How do you feel about that person? The same? Or does that one shock you? π² Do you feel any type of condemnation towards the cannabis consumer? I'm guessing that many do. But, you may be undecided because, in your mind, it depends. Did they discreetly take a gummy? That would be okay, right? What if they took a few puffs from a joint or a vape pen? What if it was a big 'ol bong rip or a dab? How do you feel about it now? Yes, it gets complicated but I think it's high time we talked about cannabis consumption among Christians! βͺπΏ Life is hard enough! It is FULL of ups and downs, aches and pains, drama and trauma. We're all just looking for ways to have a decent day with as little of all that as possible. I've been thinking about this subject for a few years now. I started my medical cannabis journey as a Christian who was diagnosed with cancer and glaucoma in the same year. Cannabis was not a part of my life. It had been decades. I found out about "weed" being good for endometriosis through a neighbor. That launched me into a deep dive into cannabis education with a focus on medical applications. Almost five years later, I am now a medical cannabis consultant & patient advocate. Still a Christian. Still a cannabis consumer. And N.E.D. 5 years! PTL ππ½ I'm coming from a very personal place and I'd like your help in erasing the stigma and condemnation for Christians who consume cannabis. Please have some compassion! ππ½ π "Bear one anotherβs burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ...let each one examine his own work...each one shall bear his own load" (Galatians 6:2 NKJV) π "Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins" (I Peter 4:8 NIV) #HappySunday #Church #Religion #Worship #aspirin #Rxs #caffeine #cannabis #stigma #doctors #nurses #patients #PublicAwareness #PublicEducation #StigmaErasure #PatientAdvocacy #compassion #compassionatecare
Posted by Karla Bur at 2024-05-26 15:03:14 UTC