Jobs Cannabis - How Many, Can we believe the data? "...Unlike with countless other industries, there is no national clearinghouse where researchers can access state-level marijuana jobs data. ..." "That lack of transparency around and public recognition of employment numbers trickles down to the state level. Contacted for this article, a spokesperson for the Massachusetts Cannabis Control Commission wrote, 'At any time, designated Commission staff can identify the number of individuals working in the licensed cannabis industry as well as the number of jobs they represent.' They continued, 'As of May 23, there were 15,178 active, unique industry identification numbers in the adult-use industry that identify specific individuals.'” At CanMar, we believe it is time for all things related to cannabis and psychedelics. Do you? Sharing meaning and helpful information here without censorship, shadow banning, or black listing. You and our community can handle the truth.

Posted by CanMar at 2024-05-30 20:46:39 UTC