My first week in Europe is complete! I landed in Prague with breathing room to mostly adjust to the time difference ahead of the EIHA - European Industrial Hemp Association conference. Congrats to Lorenza Romanese, Morris Beegle and the team for the high quality content with well-informed speakers who had meaningful experience and projects to share about from stage! Key topics I learned about: - Carbon credits - This panel gave us insight into different methodologies for calculating carbon credits, what to look for and how to compare. Hint: the methodology should be publicly available for your technical team to analyze, compare and ask questions about. Thanks to Sevim Aktas, Jamie Bartley, Christophe Nourissier, Grégoire Guirauden and moderator Catherine Wilson for the benefit of their experience. - Construction - the innovation here continues to develop, but the challenge of getting such a conservate, well-established industry to adopt new materials is significant. Pushing for change requires some story-telling about where developers can save money and increase profitability (which often lies within improved insulation and increased energy efficiency). - Improvements in farming and processing of hemp, and the production of oils, food products and textiles were also on the agenda. One thing I did not realize before this conference is that France is actually one of the top hemp producers in Europe! So great to connect with Maximiliano Baranoff and learn more about his work to develop and connect the industrial hemp value chain across Argentina, Uruguay and Paraguay. @GCNC - Global Cannabis Network Collective is looking forward to welcoming Max and Morris at the Andean Hemp & Cannabis Trade Forum in Lima this October.
Posted by Jill Reddish at 2024-06-10 19:18:22 UTC