Brandyce P: This post references herbalism and astrology so I hope this is the right section! I know Leo season is almost over, but this might be a good reference for those who have a lot of Leo in their natal chart. In astrology, Leo rules the heart and may often need a bit of extra support in this area both physically and emotionally. Sometimes prone to heart conditions, Leo energy needs to be supported by cardio fitness, heart-healthy eating habits, and an stress-reducing lifestyle. I could go on and on about Leo energy and ways to support it, but for now, I'll highlight a few herbs: Calendula: (to support/bolster Leo energy) a solar-ruled herb which is a go-to for topical skin ointments. It has antibacterial and antimicrobial benefits. Use calendula salves or oils to treat diaper rash, wounds, and other skin conditions. This bright, sunny herb can also be used as a pain and inflammation reducer. Hawthorn berries: Perfect for heart-related issues, hawthorn has been known for its various cardio-protective abilities. Hawthorn has been used to help combat angina, high blood pressure, hardening of the arteries, and congestive heart failure. It’s also a wonderful herb to befriend during times of grief. Rue: A bitter herb with anti-inflammatory properties that can be used to stimulate menstruation, improve heart health, and treat anxiety. Rue is often used for spiritual protection. A notable mention is hibiscus due to its cooling effect on the body (very important during Leo season) and its heart-health benefits. Find more on, @obsrvnc
Posted by Brandyce of OBSRVNC at 2024-08-16 19:50:52 UTC