We sat down with @Tabitha Fritz of Level UP to talk all things terpenes in our new series, The 5 In 5, where we ask today’s top cannabis experts and advocates 5 questions in 5 minutes 🚀 answering all your burning questions about cannabis 🌱 Check out the full interview on our YouTube channel: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=PhT7Eo4qLTk&pp=ygUIRWxpb25tZWQ%3D&noapp=1 —- Want to see if cannabis can help you naturally manage your anxiety, pain, sleep issues, or other wellness needs? Head to the FREE ElionMED app where you’ll find education & tips, product suggestions based on your needs, a free integrated virtual clinic where you can get all your questions answered by a knowledgeable clinician, and so much more! https://elionmed.app/products/
Posted by Karina Bershteyn at 2024-08-20 16:01:54 UTC