It's Friday and you know what that means...Fat Nugs Magazine time!!! The Pet Edition has been sent to all of our subscribers, next is our Retail and Brand Partners, and then contributors - thanks for everyone's patience. We're already eyeballs deep in the next one, the Flower Edition! This thing is going to be epic and have some of the most iconic cannabis folks of all time. Voices and faces we all recognize and respect, and even look at as true cannabis royalty from the 70s to present day. This Flower Edition will be our biggest one yet from digital eyeballs, to the number of pages, to the dustribution of it - weed love to have you join us! The editorial is in, the photography is done, the art is almost finished, and now we're just looking for our Advertising Partners. And let's not sleep on this week's zine either! We were lucky enough to have Dan Sullivan of High Ledges Cannabis, Jake Kuczeruk from New Frontier Data, and Kirandeep Khairah of CanMar join us. As always, it's free to sign up and get our weekly magazine sent directly to you every Friday - I'll put the link in the comments.
Posted by Dustin Hoxworth at 2024-08-23 15:00:18 UTC