4.3 million dollars is what our healthcare system has saved due to my son not requiring hospitalization for 6 yrs. Prior to this we barely left hospital due to seizures, especially in the 6 months prior to exploring cannabidiol for his epilepsy. At average 2K/day for a hosptial visit (ICU stays were a part of this due to respiratory issues from aspirating during seizures) every day adds 2k to the amount the system saves. The first 2 yrs his seizures dropped substantially, but now we can say it has been 6 yrs since our last hospitalization and this means 4.3 million dollars have been saved. Imagine if more kids had this opportunity? With little options, CBD should be widely available not only because it has the ability to work, but also because it is cost effective if it does! 250k patients in Canada have epilepsy and this increases by 15K patients per year. This is an estimated 2.7B per year cost to the system in direct and indirect costs for these patients. Imagine the cost savings when Cannabis Medicine is effective for these kids? Even if it cuts the seizures in half - the cost savings are incredible!

Posted by Dr. Jennifer Anderson MD at 2024-10-14 17:29:09 UTC