Is NY's Medical Market Getting Left In The Dust? | MJS >> Many know Nikki Lawley in the hashtag#cannabis industry for sharing her true story about how she used cannabis to help her heal from a brain trauma injury. Nikki is on a mission to help bridge the gap between the medical and recreational communities and get both sides communicating instead of the hateful rant toward corporate cannabis. Nikki is shining a light on both entities hoping they will find a way to work together to build the cannabis industry. In this interview we take a deep dive into NY's medical program and how it will evolve now that medical dispensaries are about to enter NY's recreational market. All The Mary Jane Society Podcast episodes are available to watch for free on Citizen Green TV >> Pam Chmiel Steve Peterson New York Cannabis Times ® Global Compliance Applications Corp. GCAC North America Inc. Susan Stephenson
Posted by Citizen Green TV at 2024-12-10 09:52:28 UTC